Captain James T Kirk , arguably history's most well-known and decorated Starfleet officer, was born on March 22, 2233 in Riverside, Iowa, Earth, to George and Winona Kirk. He was named for his paternal grandfather Tiberius and his maternal grandfather James. James T Kirk attended Starfleet academy between 2250-2254. He first gained notoriety as a Starfleet Academy cadet when he defeated the “undefeatable” Kobayashi Maru test by hacking its programming. Though this caused no shortage of consternation among Star Trek's Starfleet administrators, it earned him a commendation for original thinking and established his reputation as a leader capable of renegade thinking when required to solve an intractable problem. Almost immediately (2250), he was given a field commission from cadet to ensign on the USS Republic NCC-1371, where he was promoted to lieutenant junior grade before returning to Starfleet Academy as a student instructor. Students who studied under Kirk recall him as knowledgeable to the point that he seemed a stack of books with legs. They also report that his attitude toward teaching as "think or sink", rewarding resourcefulness and creative problem solving over rote memorization or analysis alone.
Kirk graduated Starfleet Academy (2254) in the top five percent of his class and was promoted to lieutenant. Post-graduation, he was first assigned to conduct a planetary survey aboard the USS Farragut. During this mission, the Farragut came under attack allegedly by a Romulan vessel near Vulcan. There are conflicting accounts of the attack, but they agree that the attack killed a large portion of the crew and Kirk's commanding officer, Captain Garrovick. Kirk's demonstrated leadership during this crisis earned him his first command at a relatively young age. This was aboard the Baton Rouge-class USS Saladin, which was roughly equivalent to a modern destroyer. Most biographers consider Captain James T Kirk's legacy solidified in 2264 when Starfleet made him its youngest captain of a Federation Flagship, a record he still holds, by assigning him command of the The USS Enterprise for the ships 4th five-year exploration mission. It was during this command that he began converting academic colleagues into lifelong professional partnerships. Among the notables are S'chn T'gai Spock, Dr Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, and Nyota Uhura. Though their career tracks would diverge for periods, they were repeatedly teamed together for significant missions, particularly those involving some iteration of the USS Enterprise.
A 2271 incident illustrates Kirk's repeated returns to command the Enterprise. The incident was precipitated by a massive and destructive energy cloud that appeared on a collision course with Earth after destroying several Klingon ships and Starfleet's Epsilon Nine monitoring station. Enterprise was the only ship close enough to intercept the energy cloud. However, it was undergoing a major technological refit under Captain Willard Decker. Admiral Kirk happened to be touring the upgraded Enterprise as a dignitary when the crisis struck. Citing his far-greater crisis command experience, Kirk asserted his authority to assume command of the Enterprise. He retained Decker as his first officer due to Decker's greater familiarity with the ship's newly-installed technologies and ordered Decker to finish testing of these systems en route. Admiral Spock, citing what some have described as an illogical premonition of the cloud, arrived and offered to serve as the ship's interim science officer. He identified the cloud as a living machine, with the 20th-Century Earth space probe Voyager 6 at its core. A "living machine" race had discovered the probe and given Voyager 6 a consciousness similar to their own. This living Voyager 6, referring to itself mispronounced as V'Ger was returning to complete its perceived mission by delivering all that it had learned to its Earth maker. When intercepted, the energy cloud had replaced the Enterprise's navigator with a conscious humanoid replica of her to communicate with the Enterprise. First Officer Decker, who had a prior romantic relationship with the navigator, said that he sensed the navigator's consciousness was integrated into the humanoid and volunteered to interface with it to communicate with V'Ger. The humanoid absorbed Decker and the energy cloud changed its course away from Earth. Having diverted the crisis (and found the ship without an official captain), Kirk retained command of the Enterprise, declared it fit for service, and headed further into space for the second of his five-year missions as its commander.
Three of Kirk's recurring tendencies—commandeering ships, time travel incursions (14 are documented), and recruiting the same long-term command team from his days as a Starfleet cadet—converge in a single 2286 incident. A massive cylindrical alien probe approached earth and was determined to be a threat by Star Trek's Federation Council. It had wreaked havoc on numerous ships and planets it had approached previously. Kirk,who had been reduced permanently to Captain a year earlier for stealing the Enterprise, took it upon himself to lead a team to determine if the vessel had discernible demands. They figured out that the vessel sought to communicate with then-extinct humpback whales. To prevent the vessel from destroying Earth, Kirk and his long-time command quintet used a commandeered Klingon Bird of Prey to perform a Sun-gravity-based slingshot maneuver to time-travel to the 20th Century: the last time humpback whales were known to exist on Earth. The team was able to secure two of the massive creatures and return them to the present to communicate with and satiate the alien probe's demands.
Captain James T. Kirk's personal life was marked by tragedies. Though raised primarily on Earth, he lived for a period on Tarsus IV. His 13-year-old self was greatly affected by witnessing the massacre of 4,000 Tarsus IV colonists under the orders of Kodos the Executioner. He had one sibling, George Samuel, a scientist, who was tragically killed by a parasitic infestation on the Deneva system during James's original five-year mission as captain of the USS Enterprise. Kirk gained a reputation as a romantic and, though it is sometimes difficult to separate the truth from hearsay, he was linked to numerous women (human and alien). There is one reference to a marriage, but Star Trek details are limited except that it ended when she died tragically. Kirk fathered one son, David, with Dr Carol Marcus. To protect David from Kirk's constant long-term absences while commanding the Enterprise, Marcus largely hid David from Kirk. The two did spend time together in 2285 when an adult David, then a well-regarded scientist in his own right, was caught in a Starfleet/Klingon clash on a Genesis planet David had helped germinate. The Enterprise was sent to investigate and Kirk spent a short time getting to know his son before David was killed in the conflict.
Kirk's death was originally recorded in 2293 during the Enterprise-B's maiden voyage, when an energy ribbon struck the ship. He was initially supposed to serve as a dignitary on this ship's christening voyage but volunteered for action when it was clear his assistance was needed. All accounts attribute his death to being in engineering to assist directly when the energy ribbon tore open the hull in that part of the ship. However, Admiral Jean Luc Picard, then Captain of the Enterprise-D, reported encountering a still-living James T Kirk in the 2371, when his ship encountered a similar energy ribbon, which he referred to as a "nexus". In Picard's telling, the nexus is a portal to a timeless extra-dimensional zone where he found an ageless Kirk living an illusionary idyllic life on a parallel Veridian III. Picard convinced Kirk to join him in thwarting an El-Aurian scientist, Dr Tolian Soran, who was apparently obsessed with launching a trilithium probe to collapse a star to create a shock wave and draw the nexus ribbon to him so that he could enter the timeless zone. Picard's narrative states that the two were successful in stopping Dr Soran, but that Kirk perished in the battle. Picard's version record's Kirk's death in 2371 but that, due to the nexus's timeless zone, Kirk was still 60 years old at his time of death. Linear chronology would have made him 138.
S'Chn T'Gai Spock was a prodigy even by Vulcan standards. As an adult, he became renowned for his scientific skills, demonstrating a particular genius for computers and physics. His invention of a method to recrystallize dilithium in warp engines was revolutionary. Spock's analytical skills extended to detective work as well. His deductive abilities saved the Enterprise on several occasions. His telepathic abilities were quite formidable for a Vulcan as well. These allowed him to mind meld with creatures as alien as silicon-based life forms and artificial intelligences. He even had weak hypnotic abilities and could sometimes affect people at a distance. Spock also has the superior physical strength and endurance of a Vulcan, despite being half-human. In his later years, Spock followed his father’s path and became a diplomat, a role at which he excelled. Spock was born in 2230 in the city of ShariKahr on Vulcan. The marriage of the prominent Vulcan Ambassador Sarek to the human woman Amanda Grayson was seen as highly unorthodox by many Vulcans, and Spock suffered the scorn of his peers for his emotional outbursts. This lasted until he was 7, when his future self came back in time to save his life during the traditional wilderness survival rite of passage. Not only did he survive despite being unusually young, his future self taught him the Vulcan neck pinch. The young Spock promptly used on his classmates.
Though he was no longer openly harassed, Spock still felt uncomfortable with his fellow Vulcans. He often went back into the mountains for days at a time. Spock was also betrothed to T’Pring that year, and would be drawn to her when Pon Farr struck. Upon reaching maturity, Spock entered Starfleet Academy, against his father's wishes. Sarek had hoped that Spock would join the Vulcan Science Academy. He was so opposed to Spock's chosen career that the two did not speak again for almost 20 years. Spock was the first Vulcan to join Starfleet and the combination of that and his incredible intellect quickly made him a bit of a celebrity. During his later years at the Academy, Spock served as Science Officer of the USS Enterprise on his cadet tour, under Christopher Pike’s command. When Spock graduated the Academy, he simply continued his tour of duty aboard the Enterprise for two 5-year missions with Pike. During the 11 years and 4 months they served together, Spock found himself in command on occasion, including when Captain Pike and his first officer were both captured on Talos IV. When James T Kirk took command of the USS Enterprise in 2266, Spock was selected to be his first officer as well as Science Officer. The two came to know each other very closely during this time, and along with the acerbic Dr McCoy, formed a a highly compatible triumvirate whose friendship would last for the rest of their lives.
Ambassador Sarek and Amanda Grayson came aboard the Enterprise on a diplomatic mission to Babel, which gave Spock and Sarek the opportunity to finally reconcile their differences. Spock experienced Pon Farr for the first time during his tour on the Enterprise in 2267. He had to return to Vulcan to be with T’Pring. She wanted another Vulcan as her husband, though, and in the Vulcan tradition chose Captain Kirk as her champion in a fight to the death with Spock. T’Pring's reasoning was that no matter who won, the winner would have to return to the Enterprise and continue their mission, leaving her free to marry Stonn. A surreptitious tranquilizer shot applied by Dr McCoy made Kirk appear dead. The battle and Spock's Pon Farr thus ended. Spock was extremely surprised to find Kirk alive again afterwards, so much so that he broke out into a rare smile. After the end of Kirk's 5-year mission in 2271, Spock decided to go to Vulcan and undergo Kolihnar training. This would purge all of his emotions. He spent almost 2 years there until his training was interrupted by telepathic contact with V'Ger, an alien probe of immense power. Spock rejoined the Enterprise crew, which was intercepting V'Ger on its way to Earth. He then mind-melded with V'Ger. This experience not only told Spock what V'Ger wanted, but also helped him finally come to terms with balancing his human and Vulcan halves. Spock decided to remain with Starfleet thereafter.
By 2285 the Enterprise had become a training vessel, under Spock's command. Unfortunately, during a training cruise that had reunited the original Enterprise crew, the Enterprise found itself under attack by the Reliant, hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh. The Enterprise crew was able to defeat Khan and escape the detonation of the stolen Genesis Device. But this required the sacrifice of Spock's life: he suffered fatal radiation exposure repairing the warp drive. Spock's katra, his living spirit, was salvaged, however, by melding with Dr McCoy. Normally this would be a simple matter of going to Vulcan and having the healers meld with McCoy to release Spock's katra. However, Spock's photon sarcophagus had soft-landed on the Genesis planet due to the fluctuating gravitational fields instead of burning up in the atmosphere. The Genesis Effect had unpredictably regenerated Spock's body. Kirk was ordered to stay away from Genesis due to the delicate political situation surrounding the Genesis Device. He disobeyed, retrieved Spock's body, and brought it and Dr McCoy to Vulcan for Fal Tor Pan, the re-fusion. Kirk and his crew then decided to return to Earth to answer for violating orders by traveling to the Genesis planet. When they arrived, an alien probe was wreaking havoc with the Earth's atmosphere. Spock determined that the probe was seeking out humpback whales, which had been extinct since the early 21st century. Kirk and his crew went back in time to secure a pair of humpbacks to communicate with the probe and stop its attack. Thereafter, Kirk and his crew were pardoned, given the circumstances and their extraordinary heroism. As an interesting footnote, during this mission, Spock had an inspiration and repaired their vessel's engines by inventing a method to recrystallize the dilithium within. This revolutionary invention would change Alpha Quadrant politics, as wars over the scarce dilithium crystals became a thing of the past. The Enterprise crew was posted on a new vessel, the Enterprise-A.
Their first mission was to capture the terrorist group known as the Army of Light. The AOL was lead by Sybok, Spock's half-brother from a previous marriage of Sarek who had embraced emotion and fled Vulcan. Sybok was convinced that God was hidden inside the radiation barrier at the center of the galaxy and managed to hijack the Enterprise-A to go there. When they arrived, Kirk and Spock were able to get Sybok to see that this being was not a loving God, but instead simply a malevolent being of great power. Sybok used his formidable psionic abilities to hold the creature for a moment, giving the others time to escape at the cost of his life. Spock commandeered an arriving Klingon vessel with the help of General Koord and personally fired the shot that destroyed the menace once and for all. 2293 saw Spock serving as a diplomat for the first time. He took the role of Special Envoy to the Klingon Empire in the wake of the Praxis disaster. Spock committed the Enterprise-A to the task of escorting Klingon chancellor Gorkon to a peace conference on Earth. The chancellor was assassinated en route and Captain Kirk was framed for the crime. Spock managed to find Kirk at the Klingon prison Rura Penthe and determine the identities of the true assassins. The Enterprise rushed to Khitomer, the site of the new peace talks. There it battled a Klingon Bird-of-Prey that could fire its weapons while cloaked. Spock deduced a potential flaw in the cloak. With McCoy's help he reprogrammed a photon torpedo to target the cloaked vessel and disable it long enough to target and destroy it.
While at Khitomer, Spock met with Romulan Senator Pardek and spoke of the possibilities of reunification of the Romulan and Vulcan peoples. It was an association that would continue into Spock's later years. Spock also met a young Vulcan named Tuvok, who expressed his profound disagreement with Spock that an alliance with the Klingon Empire would be a logical policy for the Federation. This opinion may have been colored by Tuvok's loss of a friend battling Klingons in the Azure Nebula on the way to Khitomer. Tuvok would later become a highly proficient and decorated Security Officer in the late 24th century onboard the USS Voyager. Spock's life since the Khitomer Conference is mostly unchronicled. However, it is known that he remained active as a diplomat and political advisor. Spock married at one point, though his wife and her current status are unrevealed. One of the attendees of the wedding was Starfleet Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard, who would meet Spock again years later on Romulus. Spock and Sarek had occasional debates on diplomatic positions, but nothing serious until the Cardassian Wars. At this point they publicly disagreed and stopped speaking to one another just as they had before in Spock's youth. In 2368 Spock disappeared and Starfleet Intelligence tracked him down to Vulcan. It was feared that Spock might have defected and Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise-D was assigned to go to Romulus undercover and investigate. Picard also had the unfortunate duty of telling Spock that his father Sarek had finally died of Bendii Syndrome. Picard managed to find Spock on Romulus and discovered that Spock was working with Pardek to forward a reunification initiative between Vulcan and Romulus. However, it turned out that Pardek had in fact tricked Spock into coming to Romulus to be used as part of a Romulan plot to conquer the planet Vulcan. Spock and Picard managed to escape from Romulan imprisonment and alert the Enterprise in time to stop the invading force. After the crisis was over, Picard offered to mind meld with Spock so that Spock could share the thoughts of his father, with whom Picard had previously melded, and offer that Spock gratefully accepted. Though Pardek’s overtures were only a ruse, Spock did meet numerous Romulans who did wish for peace. He thus decided to remain on Romulus, working toward reunification through teaching of Vulcan philosophy rather than politics or diplomacy.
Dr Leonard 'Bones' McCoy was born in 2227 on Earth in the State of Georgia in the United States to David McCoy and his wife. He attended the University of Mississippi in the 2240s. Afterward, he attended Medical School and then joined Starfleet. In 2251 Dr McCoy led an inoculation program on the planet Dramia II to battle the Saurian virus. After he left, a plague wiped out most of the colonists. Dr McCoy, in 2253 created a surgical procedure for grafting neural tissue to the cerebral cortex of humanoid brains. By 2266, Dr. McCoy was a lieutenant commander as a science division officer stationed on Capella IV before joining the USS Enterprise after being less than impressed with the local’s lack of hospitals or need for aid. McCoy became the head of the science division. McCoy treated the mental condition of Captain Kirk after the transporter pulled him into two people, good and evil. McCoy counseled his Captain, showing off his psychiatric skills, and explained why having two sides made him human and balanced. Kirk chose to reintegrate. The Enterprise conducted a routine medical examination of archaeologists of an extinct civilization at the outpost on planet M-113, McCoy encountered a former beau of his by the name Nancy Crater. Unfortunately, Nancy was just a doppelganger, a shapeshifter and last of its kind that had murdered and taken over her attractive appearance to stay alive. The creature subsided on the salt of living creatures. Using an attractive appearance to lure their prey and then hypnosis to control them. Eventually using McCoy, the creature boarded the Enterprise. It continued killing and only when Spock was attacked and Kirk’s life was in jeopardy was McCoy able to break through the illusion. With the knowledge that of it being the last of its kind, McCoy asked for forgiveness before killing it with a phaser.
In 2267 the Enterprise encountered the SS Botany Bay after the ship was detected by its morse code signal. A landing party that included Dr. McCoy went aboard. The ship was over 200 years old, which led to the shocking discovery of the away party finding 84 humans in stasis chambers. 12 died after their pods failed. McCoy found the survivors to be in remarkable shape, with strong lung efficiency and their muscular strength exemplary. As they inspect the pods, one began to fail. The ship’s historian, McGivers begged Kirk to save him as he asked how long he had been in stasis. Kirk agreed and the man was transported to the Enterprise. Spock reviewing Earth’s records found no trace of the ship. Kirk believed based on the name that it may have been a criminal transport. Spock disagreed as the Botany Bay was a very advanced ship to be wasted on criminals. How it survived so long troubled Spock though. The man awakened, and seeing a scalpel among the collection of antique medical gear, took it, going back to his bio bed as he heard McCoy working, to feign sleep. McCoy doing his rounds to check on his patient was caught unprepared as the man grabbed him by the neck and pointed the scalpel at it. McCoy, keeping calm answered this threat with sarcasm telling the man to make up his mind on whether he will choke or cut his throat. He even suggested where to put the scalpel on the carotid artery. The man approved of his bravery giving McCoy the instrument. McCoy replied that he was trying to avoid an argument. The man quickly demanded to speak with the person in charge of the vessel.
Kirk arrived and requested his name. He was ignored by the man and deflected with a question of his own about where the ship was headed. Kirk responded with Starbase 12. The man then replied with his name, only giving one word, “Khan”. Kirk attempted to get more but was rebuffed by claims of fatigue. He said he was an engineer once and would love to study the ship via manuals. Kirk and McCoy assisted him in learning how to use the computers. Kirk, McCoy, Scott, and Spock check the historical records and determine that the person who identified as Khan was the notorious Khan Noonien Singh, a genetically engineered Augment, war criminal, and tyrant of the Eugenics Wars that devastated Earth. Kirk ordered Khan confined to quarters. However, Khan quickly overtook his guards after a visit from the Captain and commandeered the Enterprise by turning off the life support controls until the crew was unconscious. The crew awakened to find themselves being held at phaser point and their Captain in a decompression chamber. Khan threatened to kill Kirk if the crew didn’t help his Augment Soldiers that had been awoken. The Historian McGivers, who had become romantic with Khan but not at the expense of hurting her crew, freed Kirk. Kirk battled Khan and eventually won. Khan accepted to be left on an uninhabited planet rather than go to a penal colony, telling Kirk, "it is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven."
Later that year, Dr McCoy’s tonsils, taken out when he was a youth, regrow due to the presence of Omicron Spores. The whole crew of the Enterprise, except for Kirk, were overtaken by the spores’ influence and mutiny, leaving Kirk alone on the Enterprise, communications jammed. The spores finally started to affect him but his love for the Enterprise caused such a passionate aggressive response that it broke him free and left him with the answer on how to retake his ship and crew. In what would be one of the biggest events in McCoy’s life started when he accidentally injected himself with an overdose of cordrazine. The Enterprise had been investigating temporal disturbances near an unnamed planet. Kirk and Spock along with their landing party had discovered an ancient civilization’s ruins and an archway portal. McCoy’s injection resulted in a temporary loss of sanity with paranoid delusions. Overpowering anyone in his way, he escaped to the surface and stumbled into the portal which transported him to the past on Earth. Kirk and Spock were shocked to find that they now lived in a time with no Enterprise and no Starfleet. They entered the portal to find their friend. They arrived early and befriended a woman named Edith Keeler in 1930s New York. Spock pinpointed the change in the timeline, and that it was Edith and her death that prevented the pacification of the US to not enter WW2 and allow the Nazis to win the race to the Atomic Bomb. McCoy had saved her. Kirk put duty before love and prevented McCoy from saving Edith from being hit by a car. They returned to their future with McCoy.
McCoy’s talents as a xenobiologist assisted the silicone lifeforms of Janus VI when the Horta matriarch had been injured, with a bandage of thermal concrete. It was McCoy who found the cure for a flying one-celled parasite that had been destroying life across whole star systems. McCoy saved Spock’s father, Sarek, when he suffered multiple heart attacks due to a faulty heart valve. Vulcan biology was greatly unknown by humans. He was able to successfully repair Sarek’s heart, operating with the ship shuddering from attack by the Orions. McCoy saved Spock’s life by keeping him alive when his brain was stolen by the Eymorgs, an underground civilization on Sigma Draconis VI. His brain was given to the Eymorg Controller machine. McCoy restores Spock’s brain after its rescue from the machine, with a little help from Spock, upon which McCoy retorts, "I'll never live this down, this Vulcan is telling me how to operate."
In 2268, McCoy was diagnosed with a terminal disease known as xenopolycythemia and given one year or less to live. Afterward, the Enterprise encountered the Fabrini and their ship the Yonada. It was discovered in their database to have the cure. In 2269, McCoy was promoted to commander, a rank he would hold for another 25 years. Kirk ordered McCoy to study the psychological impact of warning the Mantilles of the impending danger of an unidentified cosmic cloud approaching. The planet only had a little over 4 hours till impact, and warning them would result in planet-wide panic. In 2270, McCoy was arrested when he visited Dramia again for the mass murder of the Dramia II colonists. When he was there he might have accidentally started a plague and he would then be guilty of the charge. They discovered that the source of the plague was traveling through the auroras the planet had. The cure, McCoy discovered was in the Saurian virus antibodies, the very virus McCoy had first been sent to combat on Dramia.
Nearing the end of their 5-year mission, McCoy discovered a vaccine for the deadly life prolongation project virus that had killed all adults on the planet, leaving the youth with impossibly long lifespans. He was unable to narrow down the correct size in dosage he decided, as he was just an old country doc in space to just “shoot from the hip.” He was correct and the vaccine was a success. With his time done, he retired from Starfleet, grew a beard, and proclaimed he would never return to Starfleet.
However, Starfleet was not done with him. In the mid-2270s, Fleet Admiral Nogura, using a "reserve activation clause" at the request of now Admiral James T. Kirk, reactivated McCoy's commission. Angry and belligerent, he refused to use the transporter until the other five crewmembers safely were transported. Upset at Kirk for ending his retirement, McCoy did calm down and served as the Enterprise's chief medical officer during the V'ger incident. He treated Spock after his attempt at mind-melding with Lt. Ilia who had become part of V’ger had overwhelmed him. The scans McCoy performed showed that Spock endured massive neurological trauma from the mind-meld. McCoy was interrupted by laughing, soft laughter coming from Spock, who had regained consciousness, saying he should have known. Afterward, he continued to serve with his shipmates aboard the newly refitted Enterprise.
McCoy was aboard the Enterprise during the training exercise that was diverted to Regula I after Starfleet received a call for help. Khan was back, intent on stealing the Genesis Device that Carol Marcus had created. He assisted in the rescue of the surviving scientists of Project Genesis and witnessed the results of her work. McCoy was in Engineering when Spock went to reactivate the ship’s warp drive. He objected because the room had been flooded with radiation that would kill anyone in there quickly. Spock used the Vulcan nerve pinch to incapacitate the Doctor but did something unexpected in this, he deposited his Vulcan katra, his soul, into McCoy. Spock saved everyone, and passed, leaving McCoy grieving along with his crewmates.
Returning to Earth, McCoy’s behavior became irregular and unlike him. He seemed to exhibit Spock like behaviors and a desire to travel to Vulcan. Then he was placed in protective custody as he had been attempting to find a way to travel back to the new Genesis planet. Sarek told Kirk about the Vulcan katra and they deduced that McCoy had part of Spock’s soul within him. The crew of the Enterprise, despite losing the ship thanks to rogue Klingons, managed to take a Klingon ship and rescue a revived Spock on the surface of the planet. The pair underwent the fal-tor-pan, an ancient, legendary Vulcan technique, which reunited the katra with Spock on Vulcan. En route, McCoy admitted to Spock that he had greatly missed his rival, and was afraid of possibly losing him once again.
Afterward, the crew faced a mountain of charges for saving Spock and was returning to Earth to face them. Before they could face them, a probe that had not received an answer to its signals, and because of this was intending to sterilize the planet. Spock discovered that the answer it sought was from an extinct species, the Humpback whales. Kirk planned to travel back into the 20th century, a plan which did not thrill McCoy, and take 2 whales into custody. During this mission, McCoy had to use a 20th-century hospital to save his crewmate Chekov’s life. He paused his efforts and saved an elderly woman suffering from kidney failure with 23rd-century means, and gave no mercy on his thoughts of 20th-century medical practices. The tank that he helped design worked and the mission to save the planet with 2 whales was a success.
In 2293, the Enterprise was sent on a diplomatic mission to escort a Klingon envoy to Federation space for peace talks. During this escort, the Enterprise fired on the ship and an assassin killed the Klingon Chancellor Gorkon. Captain Kirk was blamed, with his son’s death at the hands of Klingons being the motive. McCoy’s lack of experience with Klingon physiology left him unable to save Gorkon after they boarded. Both Kirk and McCoy were found guilty and sentenced to a life sentence of hard labor on the penal asteroid Rura Penthe. Spock saved them and together they found who was actually behind the Khitomer conspiracy and in doing so prevented a second assassination. Their efforts safeguarded a conference that began the eighty-year era of peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
Seventy-one years after the Enterprise-A was decommissioned, the 137-year old Admiral Leonard McCoy inspected the medical layout of the USS Enterprise-D during its first mission. Assisted in his tour of the ship, he remarked to Lieutenant Commander Data, "You treat her like a lady... and she'll always bring you home."
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