The main setting of Deep Space Nine is a space station near the planet Bajor, built by the imperialistic Cardassians during their long, brutal occupation of Bajor. After liberating themselves through a guerrilla war, the Bajorans invite the United Federation of Planets to jointly administer the station. The station is renamed Deep Space Nine, and a Starfleet crew is assigned to manage it, led by Commander Benjamin Sisko. Shortly after his arrival, Sisko discovers a stable wormhole in Bajoran space between the Alpha Quadrant and the unexplored Gamma Quadrant, and the station is moved near the wormhole's entrance. The wormhole is the home of powerful, non-corporeal aliens whom the Bajorans worship as "the Prophets". Sisko is revered by the Bajorans as the Prophets' "Emissary"; although he is initially uncomfortable with being a religious figure, he gradually grows to accept his role. Deep Space Nine and Bajor quickly become a center for exploration, interstellar trade, political maneuvering and finally open conflict. Threats come not only from Cardassians, Klingons and Romulans from the Alpha Quadrant, but later from the Dominion, a powerful empire in the Gamma Quadrant ruled by a race of shapeshifters. The starship USS Defiant is assigned to help protect the station. When the Dominion and the Cardassians take up arms against the Federation and its allies starting in the fifth season, Deep Space Nine becomes a key Federation base in the Dominion War.

Avery Brooks as Commander Benjamin Sisko: Benjamin Sisko is the Starfleet officer placed in charge of Deep Space Nine. At the start of the series, he is a grieving widower (his wife having been killed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359) and the father of a pre-teenage son, Jake. He and Jadzia Dax discover the Bajoran wormhole, which the Bajorans believe is the home of the Prophets, their gods and protectors. The Bajorans hail Sisko as the Emissary of the Prophets, an exalted religious status that initially makes him uncomfortable but that he gradually comes to embrace. At the end of the third season, he is promoted to captain, and he eventually becomes a key leader of Federation forces against the Dominion. The seventh season reveals that Sisko's mother was possessed by one of the Prophets long enough to ensure he was born. Ren Auberjonois as Constable Odo: Constable Odo is the station's chief of security. He is a Changeling, a liquid life form capable of assuming any shape he wishes, though he normally takes the form of an adult male humanoid. His origins are initially unknown; he was discovered by the Bajorans some years before the beginning of the series and subjected to painful experimentation, until they realized he was sentient. He longs to find his own people, but when he finally does, he learns they are the authoritarian rulers of the Dominion. Odo is torn between his longing to be with his people and his opposition to the Dominion's totalitarian imperialism. He comes to love the Bajoran Kira. Alexander Siddig as Lieutenant Julian Bashir: Dr Julian Bashir is the station's chief medical officer. Somewhat tactless and arrogant at first, he nevertheless develops friendships with several of the station's residents, particularly Miles O'Brien and the mysterious Cardassian tailor and ex-spy Garak. It is later revealed that his high intelligence and physical skill are the result of illegal genetic enhancements his parents obtained for him as a child because he was falling behind his classmates.

Terry Farrell as Lieutenant Jadzia Dax: Jadzia Dax is the station's science officer. A member of the Trill species, the humanoid Jadzia shares a symbiotic existence with a long-living "symbiont" named Dax, who has already experienced seven prior lives "joined" with other Trills. The previous host, Curzon Dax, a larger-than-life diplomat and womanizer, was a close friend of and mentor to Sisko, and that friendship is continued with Jadzia, whom Sisko familiarly calls "old man". She marries Worf during the show's sixth season. When Terry Farrell declined to renew her contract at the end of that season, her character was killed off, and Ezri Dax introduced as Dax's next host. Cirroc Lofton as Jake Sisko: Jake is Benjamin Sisko's son. He at first resents the idea of living on an old Cardassian space station, but soon adapts to life on the station and develops a deep friendship with Nog, a Ferengi who is the station's only other resident close to his age. His father wants him to join Starfleet, but Jake yearns to be a writer, and eventually becomes a reporter with the Federation News Service. Over the seven seasons, Jake and Nog grow from children into young adults, with storylines showing their rites of passage, successes and mishaps. Colm Meaney as Chief Miles O'Brien: Miles O'Brien is the Chief of Operations, responsible for keeping the station in working order. The character originated as a recurring role on The Next Generation; on Deep Space Nine he became the first main character on a Star Trek series to be a non-commissioned officer. He and Julian Bashir are close friends. He is married to botanist and teacher Keiko; they have a daughter, Molly, and later a son, Kirayoshi, born in the fifth season. Armin Shimerman as Quark: Quark is the proprietor of a bar on Deep Space Nine. Like most Ferengi, he holds the acquisition of profit to be the highest goal, and his frequently shady moneymaking schemes bring him into conflict with Odo. His cynical, profit-driven worldview is often used as a critique or counterpoint to the idealism of the Federation — although he does display a moral code on occasion, electing to save lives at the cost of profit. Sisko considers Quark an anchor to the merchant community and society in general aboard the station. He pressures Quark not to relocate after the Cardassians are driven out, giving him very generous financial terms to stay and keep his business in operation.

Nana Visitor Major Kira Nerys: Kira Nerys is the Bajoran military's liaison to Deep Space Nine and Sisko's second-in-command. During the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, she was a guerrilla fighter in the Bajoran resistance. She is initially suspicious of the Federation's intentions toward her planet, but grows to trust and befriend the rest of the crew. She is deeply religious, and at times finds it awkward having the Emissary of the Prophets as her commanding officer. Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Commander Worf: The fourth season saw the addition of Dorn to the cast to boost ratings, reprising his role as the Klingon Worf, whom he had played for seven years on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Worf transfers to Deep Space Nine when a brief war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire breaks out, and stays on as Strategic Operations Officer and later as a liaison to the Klingon Empire. His character arc centers on negotiating his dual identity as a Klingon and a Starfleet officer. He marries Jadzia Dax in the sixth season. Nicole de Boer as Ensign Ezri Dax: After the abrupt departure of Terry Farrell, Ezri Dax was added to the series as the next host of the Dax symbiont, a young Trill Starfleet counselor. Unprepared and untrained to be joined, she is often frustrated by aspects of the symbiotic relationship and the eight lifetimes' worth of memories she inherits. She struggles with her memories of Jadzia's love for Worf, as she finds herself attracted to Dr. Bashir.

Avery Brooks ..... Commander Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Nana Visitor ..... Major Kira Nerys
Rene Auberjonois ..... Chief Odo Itel
Terry Farrell ..... Lieutenant Jadzia Dax
Michael Dorn ..... Lt Commander Worf
Colm Meaney ..... Chief Miles Edward O'Brien
Siddig El Fadil ..... Doctor Julian Subatoi Bashir
Armin Shimerman ..... Quark
Cirroc Lofton ..... Jake Sisko
Nicole de Boer ..... Lieutenant Ezri Dax

Aron Eisenberg ..... Lieutenant Nog
Andrew Koenig ..... Tumak
Anne Haney ..... Renora
Andrew Hawkes ..... Amat'igan
Andrea Martin ..... Ishka
Andrew Robinson ..... Elim Garak
Ann Gillespie ..... Jabara
Benita Andre ..... Engineer Anara
Barry Jenner ..... Admiral Ross
Barbara March ..... Lursa
Bernie Casey ..... Calvin Hudson
Brian Thompson ..... Toman'torax
Brock Peters ..... Joseph Sisko
Barbara Bosson ..... Roana
Bill Mumy ..... Kellin
Chris Sarandon ..... Martus Mazur
Cecily Adams ..... Ishka
Casey Biggs ..... Legate Damar
Chase Masterson ..... Leeta
Clarence Williams III ..... Omet'iklan
David Levinson ..... Broik
Dennis Madalone ..... Klingon Officer Atul
Dell Yount ..... Tilikia
Debra Wilson ..... Captain Lisa Cusak
Dey Young ..... Agent Arissa
Duncan Regehr ..... Shakaar
Edward Albert ..... Zayra
Frank Langella ..... Minister Jaro
Freyda Thomas ..... Alenis Grem
Gail Strickland ..... Alixus
Galyn Gorg ..... Korena
Gabrielle Union ..... N'Garen
Geoffrey Blake ..... Trill Arjin
Hana Hatae ..... Molly O'Brien
Jeffrey Combs ..... Weyoun Clones
Jeffrey Combs ..... Liquidator Brunt
Jeffrey Combs ..... Tiron
Jonathan Frakes ..... Thomas Riker
JG Hertzler ..... Klingon General Martok
James Cromwell ..... Hanok
James Darren ..... Vic Fontaine
Julia Nickson ..... Cassandra
John Beck ..... Boone
Jason Marsden ..... Grimp
Kenneth Marshall ..... Michael Eddington
Kenneth Mars ..... Colius
Kurtwood Smith ..... Thrax
Louise Fletcher ..... Kai Winn Adami
Leigh Taylor-Young ..... Yanas Tigan
Leslie Bevis ..... Rionoj
Lawrence Pressman ..... Krajensky
Max Grodenchik ..... Rom
Marc Alaimo ..... Gul Dukat
Mel Johnson Jr ..... Legate Broca
Michael Sarrazin ..... Trevean
Mark Shepherd ..... Morn
Majel Barrett ..... Lwaxana Troi
Meg Foster ..... Onaya
Michael Ansara ..... Commander Kang
Michael Bell ..... Drofo Awa
Mary Crosby ..... Natima Lang
Mark Humphrey ..... Lito
Nicole de Boer ..... Ezri Dax
Penny Jerald ..... Kasidy Yates-Sisko
Penny Johnson ..... Kasidy Yates
Patrick Stewart ..... Jean-Luc Picard
Paul Dooley ..... Enabran Tain
Philip Anglim ..... Vedek Bareil Antos
Robert O'Reilly ..... Chancellor Gowron
Rosalind Chao ..... Keiko O'Brien
Richard Kiley ..... Gideon Seyetik
Randy Ogelsby ..... Ah-kel
Robert Picardo ..... Lewis Zimmerman/EMH
Richard Libertini ..... Arorem Laan
Richard Poe ..... Gul Evek
Richard Beymer ..... Li Nalas
Robert Foxworth ..... Admiral Leyton
Salome Jens ..... Female Changeling
Shannon Cochran ..... Mistress Sirella
Steven Weber ..... Colonel Day
Steven Berkoff ..... Hagath
Tim Russ ..... Tuvok
Todd Slayton ..... Thot Gor
Tony Todd ..... Klingon Captain Kurn
Tony Plana ..... Amaros
Vanessa Williams ..... Facilitator Arandis
William Sadler ..... Sloan
Wallace Shawn ..... Grand Nagus Zek

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