Star Trek: Voyager is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor. It originally aired from January 1995, to May 2001, with 172 episodes over seven seasons. It is the fifth series in the Star Trek franchise. Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS Voyager as it attempts to return home to the Alpha Quadrant after being stranded in the Delta Quadrant on the far side of the galaxy. In the pilot episode, "Caretaker", USS Voyager, under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, departs the Deep Space Nine space station on a mission into the treacherous Badlands. They are searching for a missing ship piloted by a team of Maquis rebels, which Voyager's security officer, the Vulcan Lieutenant Tuvok, has secretly infiltrated. Tom Paris, a disgraced former Starfleet officer who joined the Maquis and was subsequently arrested, agrees to help find the Maquis ship in exchange for his freedom. While in the Badlands, Voyager is enveloped by a powerful energy wave that kills several of its crew, damages the ship, and strands it in the galaxy's Delta Quadrant, more than 70,000 light-years from Earth. The wave was not a natural phenomenon. In fact, it was used by an alien entity known as the Caretaker to pull Voyager into the Delta Quadrant. The Caretaker is responsible for the continued care of the Ocampa, a race of aliens native to the Delta Quadrant, and has been abducting other species from around the galaxy in an effort to find a successor.
The Maquis ship was also pulled into the Delta Quadrant, and eventually the two crews reluctantly agree to join forces after the Caretaker space station is destroyed in a pitched space battle with another local alien species, the Kazon. Chakotay, leader of the Maquis group, is made Voyager's first officer. B'Elanna Torres, a half-human/half-Klingon Maquis, becomes chief engineer, and Paris becomes Voyager's helm officer. Due to the deaths of the ship's entire medical staff, the Doctor, an emergency medical hologram designed only for short-term use, is employed as the ship's full-time chief medical officer. Delta Quadrant natives Neelix, a Talaxian scavenger, and Kes, a young Ocampa, are welcomed aboard as the ship's chef/morale officer and the Doctor's medical assistant, respectively.
Due to its great distance from Federation space, the Delta Quadrant is unexplored by Starfleet, and Voyager is truly going where no human has gone before. As they set out on their projected 75-year journey home, the crew passes through regions belonging to various species: the barbaric and belligerent Kazon; the organ-harvesting, disease-ravaged Vidiians; the nomadic hunter race the Hirogen; the fearsome Species 8472 from fluidic space; and most notably the Borg, who control large areas of space that Voyager has to move through in later seasons. They also encounter perilous natural phenomena, a nebulous area called the Nekrit Expanse, a large area of empty space called the Void, wormholes, dangerous nebulae and other anomalies.
Voyager is the third Star Trek series to feature Q, an omnipotent alien and the second on a recurring basis, as Q made only one appearance on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Starfleet Command learns of Voyager's survival when the crew discovers an ancient interstellar communications network, claimed by the Hirogen, into which they can tap. This relay network is later disabled, but due to the efforts of Earth-based Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, Starfleet eventually establishes regular contact in the season-six episode "Pathfinder", using a communications array and micro-wormhole technology.
In the first two episodes of the show's fourth season, Kes leaves the ship in the wake of an extreme transformation of her mental abilities, while Seven of Nine (known colloquially as Seven), a Borg drone who was assimilated as a six-year-old human girl, is liberated from the collective and joins the Voyager crew. As the series progresses, Seven begins to regain her humanity with the ongoing help of Captain Janeway, who shows her that emotions, friendship, love, and caring are more important than the sterile "perfection" the Borg espouse. The Doctor also becomes more human-like, due in part to a mobile holo-emitter the crew obtains in the third season which allows the Doctor to leave the confines of sickbay and even the ship itself. He discovers his love of music and art, which he demonstrates in the episode "Virtuoso". In the sixth season, the crew discovers a group of adolescent aliens assimilated by the Borg, but prematurely released from their maturation chambers due to a malfunction on their Borg cube. As he did with Seven of Nine, the Doctor rehumanizes the children; Azan, Rebi and Mezoti, three of them eventually find a new adoptive home while the fourth, Icheb, chooses to stay aboard Voyager.
Life for the Voyager crew evolves during their long journey. Traitors Seska and Michael Jonas are uncovered in the early months; loyal crew members are lost late in the journey; and other wayward Starfleet officers are integrated into the crew. In the second season, the first child is born aboard the ship to Ensign Samantha Wildman; as she quickly grows up due to alien biology, Naomi Wildman becomes great friends with her godfather, Neelix, and develops an unexpected and close relationship with Seven of Nine. Early in the seventh season, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres marry after a long courtship, and Torres gives birth to their child, Miral Paris, in the series finale. Late in the seventh season, the crew finds a colony of Talaxians on a makeshift settlement in an asteroid field, and Neelix chooses to bid Voyager farewell and live once again among his people. Over the course of the series, the Voyager crew finds various ways to reduce their 75-year journey by up to five decades barring any other delays they may encounter. Shortcuts, technology boosts, a subspace corridor, and a mind-powered push from a powerful former shipmate, and several other trip-shortening attempts are unsuccessful. After traveling for seven years, a current shipmate helps instigate a series of complex efforts which shortens the remainder of the journey to a few minutes in the series finale, "Endgame".
Captain Janewaytook command of the Intrepid-class USS Voyager in 2371. Her first mission is to locate and capture a Maquis vessel last seen in the area of space known as the Badlands. While there, the Maquis ship and Voyager are transported against their will into the Delta Quadrant, 70,000 light-years away, by a massive displacement wave. The Maquis ship is destroyed while fighting the Kazon-Ogla, and although Voyager survives, numerous casualties are suffered. To protect an intelligent species (the Ocampa), Janeway destroys a device, the Caretaker Array, which had the potential to return her crew to Federation space, stranding her ship and crew 75 years' travel from home. The reason is to stop the array from falling into the wrong hands and to protect the people the Caretaker was caring for. Lt Commander Chakotay, a former Starfleet officer who joined the Maquis, while Starfleet is trying to capture him in the Badlands, his Maquis crew and he are pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array and are forced to merge with the crew of Voyager during its journey home. Before serving as Voyager's first officer, he had resigned from Starfleet after years of service to join the Maquis to defend his home colony against the Cardassians.
Lieutenant Tuvok is a Vulcan Starfleet officer who serves aboard Voyager while it is stranded in the Delta Quadrant. In 2371, Tuvok was assigned to infiltrate the Maquis organization aboard Chakotay's Maquis vessel, and is pulled into the Delta Quadrant. He serves as tactical officer and second officer under Captain Kathryn Janeway during Voyager's seven-year journey through this unknown part of the galaxy. He is the only Voyager crew member to be promoted in the Delta Quadrant to lieutenant commander. Ensign Thomas Eugene Paris is a human Starfleet officer who serves for seven years as flight controller of the Federation starship Voyager. The son of a prominent Starfleet admiral, he was dishonorably discharged from Starfleet and later joined the Maquis before being captured and serving time at the Federation Penal Settlement in New Zealand. After joining Voyager to retrieve Chakotay's Maquis ship from the Badlands, he is transferred with the crew of Voyager 70,000 light-years across the galaxy, deep into the Delta Quadrant.
Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, A former Starfleet cadet who joined the Maquis, B'Elanna Torres is the sometimes combative Klingon-human hybrid who serves as chief engineer on the Federation starship Voyager. B'Elanna is pulled into the Delta Quadrant on Chakotay's ship and is forced to merge with the crew of Voyager. Ensign Harry Kim is a human Starfleet officer. He serves as USS Voyager's operations officer. When Voyager is pulled into the Delta Quadrant, Harry is fresh out of the Academy and nervous about his assignment. "The Doctor" is USS Voyager's emergency medical holographic program and chief medical officer during the ship's journey. The EMH mark 1 is a computer program with a holographic interface in the form of Lewis Zimmerman, the creator of the Doctor's program. Although his program is specifically designed to function in emergency situations only, Voyager's sudden relocation to the Delta Quadrant resulting in the death of the Chief Medical Officer along with all medical staff necessitated that the Doctor run his program on a full-time basis, becoming the ship's new Chief Medical Officer. He evolves full self-awareness and even has hobbies.
Neelix is a Talaxian who becomes a merchant, shortly after the Haakonians launch an attack on his homeworld, using a technology called a metreon cascade, resulting in the death of his entire family. He joins the Voyager, serving as a valuable source of information about the Delta Quadrant, as well as chef, morale officer, ambassador, navigator, and holder of many other odd jobs. Kes is a female Ocampan with psionic powers who joins USS Voyager after it is catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array. Kes is Neelix's partner, who had promised to save her from the Kazon who had captured her. Kes leaves the show in the episode "The Gift" and returns temporarily for the episode "Fury", then leaves and never returns. Seven of Nine (full Borg designation: Seven of Nine, is a human female who is a former Borg drone. She was born Annika Hansen on stardate 25479 (2350), the daughter of eccentric exobiologists Magnus and Erin Hansen. She was assimilated by the Borg in 2356 at age six, along with her parents, and is liberated by the crew of USS Voyager at the start of season four.
Kate Mulgrew ..... Captain Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran ..... Commander Chakotay
Tim Russ ..... Lt Commander Tuvok
Roxann Dawson ..... Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
Robert McNeill ..... Lieutenant Tom Paris
Garrett Wang ..... Ensign Harry Kim
Robert Picardo ..... The Doctor/EMH
Ethan Phillips ..... Neelix
Jennifer Lien ..... Nurse Kes
Jeri Ryan ..... Seven Of Nine
Allan Royal ..... Captain Braxton
Alan Scarfe ..... Magistrate Augris
Alexander Enberg ..... Ensign Vorik
Brad Dourif ..... Ensign Lon Suder
Dwight Schultz ..... Reginald Barclay
Joseph Palmas ..... Antonio
John de Lancie ..... Q
Josh Clark ..... Lieutenant Joseph Carey
John Savage ..... Rudy Ransom
Jonathan Frakes ..... William T Riker
Karl Wiedergott ..... Ameron
Lori Petty ..... Noss
Manu Intiraymi ..... Icheb
Martha Hackett ..... Ensign Seska
Marnie McPhail ..... Alcia
Marina Sirtis ..... Deanna Troi
Michael Ansara ..... Commander Kang
Nancy Hower ..... Ensign Samantha Wildman
Robert Picardo ..... Lewis Zimmerman
Raphael Sbarge ..... Ensign Michael Jonas
Richard Poe ..... Gul Evek
Scarlett Pomers ..... Naomi Wildman
Sarah Silverman ..... Rain Robinson
Virginia Madsen ..... Kellin
Wren Brown ..... Klingon Commander Kohlar
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